Once known by my DJ alias during a brief stint, I transitioned to RAYOFLA as my brand while living in Europe, a tribute to my west coast roots and sharing a hint of my own name. For the longest time, the idea of starting a podcast remained just a thought in the back of my mind. But now, it feels right to begin documenting my unique lens on life. From intriguing conversations with individuals who captivate me to tales from yesteryears, this podcast serves as an aural memoir. Instead of letting the pages of an unwritten book gather dust, I've chosen to make my life audible. This is not just for my son and for generations after him, but also for any life I can touch and inspire positively. Welcome to the Ray of L.A. podcast.
From Tennis Prodigy to Tech Visionary with Benedek Herman
October 13, 2023 • 95 MIN
Dive into the captivating world of Benedek Herman in this inaugural episode brought to you by Budapest.fm. Benedek isn't just the founder of Voovo, the innovative study app revolutionizing student learning, or the co-owner of a trendy Espresso Bar and Work Hub in Buda. His journey is a tapestry of talent, determination, and reinvention. From traveling the globe as a child tennis prodigy and experiencing life in Des Moines, Iowa, to making the bold decision to leave the sport at 20, Benedek's story is nothing short of inspiring. Now, at just 22, while many are just starting their careers, he's juggling the demands of entrepreneurship with the rigors of medical school. Join us as we uncover the drive and passion that propels Benedek forward. This episode promises insights into resilience, the courage to change paths, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a sports enthusiast, or someone seeking a dose of inspiration, Benedek's tale is bound to leave an impression. Tune in and be inspired!
A Serendipitous Encounter with Bruno in Hailey, Idaho
October 1, 2023 • 5 MIN
Embark on this enthralling journey as we recount a chance encounter with an A-list celebrity during a 90s music tour. This captivating podcast unveils how a mysterious fan turned out to be none other than the legendary Bruce Willis, who invited the band to perform at his unique venue in the charming town of Hailey, Idaho. Listen in as they uncover a hidden sanctuary, jam with the superstar, and learn the heartwarming story behind his love for this small town. Filled with laughter, camaraderie, and the surprising simplicity of a Hollywood icon, this podcast is perfect for anyone who has ever dreamt of meeting their heroes.
Karaoke Nights in Budapest: An Unforgettable Encounter at Brody Studios
October 1, 2023 • 5 MIN
Discover the captivating tale of a chance encounter with Jennifer Lawrence in the heart of Budapest. As film productions transformed the city into a hub for international artists, one man's casual karaoke duet evolved into an unforgettable story of shared experiences in the enchanting world of Brody Land.